Thursday, February 25, 2021

A Little Chit Chat

 My phone was a casualty of Snowmageddon 2021. I think the home button froze. It eventually unthawed but Siri liked talking at random. It was fun when she woke me up. "I'm sorry, I didn't hear you."

Because, I'm not talking to you! I put her in the kitchen so I could get some sleep. Bill saw my phone on the counter and he knew that Siri had been fired. I was just glad that my phone didn't explode. The apps were going crazy. Opening and closing randomly. I eeked it through the week and my new phone arrived the other day. I didn't even have to go into a phone carrier store! Yippee. It's right up there with a mammogram, if you ask me.

All that to say. My new phone has the portrait mode which blurs the background. 

How fun is that? 

I love it. 

I made the little bunny during the big snow. 

I used a snowman pattern from Liberty Creek Primitives from Etsy. I think Kari's patterns are darling. This pattern was very easy to do. 

The Easter totes have made a slight migration from the shelf in the garage. I didn't want to buy anything new but two white bunnies hopped into my cart at Hobby Lobby. 

I'm adding spring like critters here and there. 

We picked a color for the cabin out in East Texas. 

It is Retreat by Sherwin Williams. Interestingly, it's on the same chip as Sea Salt which is the new color of the downstair's bathroom in town. 

We just need a nice weekend so I can get the outside painted. 
The trim will be white. The shutters from the main house will be repurposed for the two windows. There is also a window around the front of the building. The sun was shinning when I painted the samples. It looks good in the sun too. This is a feature of the back yard so it needs to blend in with the future garden. I wanted it white like the main house but Bill wants color. His favorite color is green so this is a win for both of us. 

The inside needs work which will commence on nice weekends. I'm ready to get started on that.

Each person needs to evaluate what is right for them in this situation, but I've received the first dose of the Moderna vaccine. I should get my second dose next week. Bill and I really weighed what to do in this situation. I realize that there is a strong very anti vaccine movement. I understand those perspectives. I don't love having vaccines but I have them to protect Bill. 

I'm ready to get back to normal after being close to home since this began. 
. I've struggled with anxiety since I was a child. Most of the time it is under control but it has been harder to manage in the last year. 
Bill has had both of his because he signed up first. He was very tired and achy after the second but that was all. Once we are both vaccinated, we'll have small gatherings with friends and family and get to our doctors. Masks are still a requirement in Texas so that won't change for us. 
If you think about it, say a prayer for me about my anxiety. 
Thanks so much for stopping by. I appreciate all of you. 
That's about it for now. 
I hope you are doing well. 


  1. I'm sure anxiety is no fun at all. Prayers for you. Good for you and your husband getting your vaccine. You do what is right for you, never mind what other people do or say. The little dog in your picture is adorable.

  2. The bunnies are cute - I have so many. Maybe its time to start putting them out t my house, too. I thought I was the only one struggling with anxiety in my small circle of acquaintances but I guess not!
    Its hard to pull UP when the sun isn't out. Looks like more rain this weekend...

  3. I got my vaccine's too Katie. I have no choice having MS my husband got his first. We got Moderna too.

    Your bunny you made is adorable! I can't wait for warmer days. We have had cold and snow filled days. I'm getting the house ready for spring too!


  4. You've got prayers. I had Pfizer and had a slight fever and was very tired the second day and just crashed and had "a day off." The next day, just fine. RIck had no reaction to #2 at all. I think it's the smart thing to do, being part of the solution.

    I love the color and also your sweet spring vignettes. I'm getting ready to bring spring upstairs here. It's time, even though we still have snowbanks!

  5. Congratulations on getting your Covid shots.

  6. Hi Katie,
    I had my first Moderna and am due for the second on Wed. I did some research on how effective the first dose of Moderna is. It is 92% After the second, it goes up to 94%. There is a new theory that people should wait longer for the second to allow more people to get the first. I'm really struggling with whether or not to get the second dose. I don't know if an extra 2% is worth it. It would be nice if someone who really needed it could have mine. Everything is so confusing. I love your bunny!

  7. Katie,
    Joe and our oldest son joey are still waiting for the vaccine...They think that other people need it more than them right now so they are waiting until it becomes more plentiful. I have not made a decision yet because I can not take the flu shot and have auto immune disease . I recently went off my Cobra and will start a different policy than what I had at work but with the same health care system that I worked for. I will be able to go back to my former Dr. that I had for years now so I will consult with him about it. My younger son, Jim, and his wife will not take the vaccine as they feel that years from now, there will be side effects that will be revealed.I can understand both points of view on the vaccine after being a nurse for 42 years. Yes, there may be side effects that will be found out years from now and no, there may not be.Each person needs to make up their own mind and I support both point of views in my own family....
    Thanks so much for stopping by and for your kind words!!!
    I pray that you feel better and get help with your anxiety. My oldest son had a lot of anxiety about the Pandemic in the beginning and hence that is why he stayed with us for the first 2 months. He was put on different medication which helped and is doing okay now. He had panic attacks as a teenager and they came back last March. So I understand the effects that anxiety can have on a person....Sending prayers...

  8. I love the color for the cabin, I'm really enjoying the transformation of your country place. I chuckled at the white rabbits that jumped into your cart :-), my neighborhood (in the Texas hill country) is known locally as 'White Rabbit' because there is a pole at the entrance with a white metal rabbit on it. A neighbor decorates it for various holidays. Congratulations on the vaccine (I agree that it's a personal choice)- I'm part of the Moderna trial group and received mine last Aug/Sep. I have friends who are very skeptical, and I understand. Israel has vaccinated almost half their population, and there is very good data coming from there about vaccinated people *not* contracting/passing on Covid. I'm hopeful that we can get back to normal sooner rather than later. Thanks again for sharing and being one of my happy places on the internet!

  9. It was very difficult to get an appointment for the vaccine. Our state started with ages over 65. That’s us. But we would go online every week and finally we scored! We live in Florida so there are just a few of us over 65.😂Not!
    I also struggle with anxiety and panic attacks. It has been harder during quarantine. I depend on the Lord and have read many books on how to have peace. I have to pray a lot when I know I’m going to have to go out. Like this week, my granddaughter is getting married. But
    I have a special mask that says “Grandmother of the Bride”.🥰
