Do you buy souvenirs?
A souvenir is defined as "a small and relatively inexpensive article given, kept or purchased as a reminder of a place visited, an occasion etc."
I love to pick up a souvenir. Not the shot glass or mini spoon or giant flyswater. (Although, I do love, love a cheesy souvenir shop!)
I love collecting things other's have collected on their trips.
Oh, I pick up things as a reminder of my trip too, but
I love finding vintage souvenirs.
My favorite are these vintage postcards.
I have them in just about every room in the house.
I have told you how I like to repeat decorating elements from vignette to vignette or room to room.
It keeps things cohesive and looks collected over time.

I don't collect new ones. I like to find old ones in dusty antique shops. If it is a place I have actually been, that is a bonus. If not, that is good too. It may be a place I hope to go one day.
I inherited a check book size box of postcards from my grandparents.
I try to fun cute places to display them around the house.
Clothes pins are one of my favorite methods to attach them to a garden planter turned kitchen display.
Rusty crib spring turned scrapbook of sorts.
Old window screen that I picked up at an antique mall.
Read about it here .
Most of my things have meaning. I am pretty sure that is what collecting and decorating with vintage is about.
I have them in just about every room in the house.
I have told you how I like to repeat decorating elements from vignette to vignette or room to room.
It keeps things cohesive and looks collected over time.
I don't collect new ones. I like to find old ones in dusty antique shops. If it is a place I have actually been, that is a bonus. If not, that is good too. It may be a place I hope to go one day.
I inherited a check book size box of postcards from my grandparents.
I try to fun cute places to display them around the house.
Clothes pins are one of my favorite methods to attach them to a garden planter turned kitchen display.
Most of my things have meaning. I am pretty sure that is what collecting and decorating with vintage is about.
Memories invoked of a different or simpler time.
As I look around my house, I see that everywhere.
But some of the best souvenirs don't cost a thing. I have some "treasures" that I have picked up that didn't cost a thing.
Junky trinkets from an antique trash pile. I don't know why I am so smitten with this teacup handle.
I would love to find a set of them.
Sketch from a momentous day.
I can't wait to get back out camping and show you our trailer.
I can't wait to get back out camping and show you our trailer.
A sketch from a hohum day turned funny with a humorous sketch.
These little trinkets/treasures tell a story.
These little trinkets/treasures tell a story.
It may be a tale only understood by me, but it is one that is meaningful.
Someday as my children sift though my stuff, they may wonder why I kept what I kept, and that is okay.
They may pull something totally different out of my "treasure" pile and find meaning and memory in it for a completely different reason.
Someday as my children sift though my stuff, they may wonder why I kept what I kept, and that is okay.
They may pull something totally different out of my "treasure" pile and find meaning and memory in it for a completely different reason.
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