Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Summer Is Almost Here

I've been radio silent for a little while. 
I'm taking a bit of a break for the next week or so until my counter tops are in.
I'll have some reveals and reviews then. 

The school year is winding down. We only have about 2 more weeks if you can believe that?
Texas private schools get out very early. 
 Once I wrap things up professionally, I'll be back doing some summer blogging.

I'm sick - again!
I'm trying to save all my energy to finish well with my precious students and co-teachers. 

We painted rocks for Mother's Day. 

I slipped a little note in the gift. 
It said - "You Rock!"
They had so much fun.
Here are some of our spring crafts. 

Our transportation themed program was adorable. 

Our librarian made the laminated banner.

We just used what we had for the stage. 
You can see what has been keeping me so busy.
It is always bitter sweet to say goodbye to our little babies. 
the summer usually flies by. 
I hope you all will stick with me until I get back.
You can always go back through my archives to see what you might have missed. 
In fact, I may re-post some stuff. 
I had so few followers at first and there is some good stuff back there.
Have a blessed day and week.
See you soon,


  1. Hang in there! I know how tired you must be at this point. Your counters are going to be beautiful.

  2. Hope you feel better soon, Katie, and yes, we'll be here when you are ready to come back! All of the school photos are adorable! Those little ones are so cute. Can't wait to see the new counters!

  3. Sweet pictures of the kiddos. Get to feeling better soon. We still have another 5 weeks of school here in California.

  4. The counters look beautiful I cannot wait to see them put in. Your class room is adorable. Only a few more weeks and you will be out for summer fun.

  5. The counters will look great and can't wait to see them! What an adorable classroom! Hope you feel better soon and the summer does you good!
