Monday, June 14, 2021

Our Summer Kitchen In Aqua

Hi, Friends. I hope you are well.
I love switching out my accent color scheme for the seasons.

My latest color crush came after I found a gorgeous pair of opera glass at our local architectural salvage place. 
They were $2.00. I'll wait while you soak in their loveliness and my astounding thrifting skills. 

This isn't the first time that this color has been a favorite.
Ten years ago or so this was my "must have" color infatuation. During that crush, many fun things in a blue-green hue were added to our stash of collectables. Favorite pieces were saved as other color crushes came and went. Those favored pieces were safely stored away and rotated in out for seasonal decoration until they were needed again for main floor display. 
When I saw some aqua buffalo check valances at Walmart, I knew that they needed to come home with me. I adore how they look in the kitchen window. Corner windows are so much fun to decorate but they are difficult to reach for cleaning. The white voile cafe´ curtains have adorned the windows since last spring. They provided a nostalgic feel during Covid. I made them out of an old tablecloth. These Better Homes and Gardens valances are very well made. They come in tan, Navy, red and gray.  The aqua set doesn't show up on the Walmart website so those may only be available in the store. 

Aqua/turquoise has morphed into the kitchen accessories as well. Trading out color schemes is one of my favorite things to do. Shopping the house and remembering a tucked away treasure is so much fun. 

Old Ball jars were put to used as vases. 
The creamer is Vineyard by Metlox-Poppytrail-Vernon. My aunt had a cool turquoise kitchen back in the day. This was her everyday dinnerware pattern. I have fond memories of summers at my aunt and uncle's house in Shreveport, La. My aunt and uncle went above and beyond to offer solace and stability to my siblings and I as our mother valiantly fought cancer. 
I think of Aunt Susan every time I look at this little creamer. This pattern was made between 1960 and 1980. 

Copper accents look so good with this color. The backsplash has a lot of aqua that's more noticeable. 
The gingham "tea towel" is actually a vintage pillowcase. 
Who will know? You will, of course. 

Red transferware plays well with this scheme. 
Every month or so the niches need dusting. It's a good opportunity to tweak the decor. 

I'm going to throw in a picture of the niches so you have a reference. I dorked out and didn't take a picture of them with the aqua/turquoise. 

They stayed the same except a bit of the red was removed.

The pie safe was problematic since I didn't have any fabric in the right color. 
I popped into my thrift store and they had a perfect bolt of fabric. 
It's reading more blue and less aqua on camera because it's behind rabbit wire. 
It matches the valances perfectly, though. 

The wall color is a custom mix but it's very close to Sea Salt by Sherwin Williams. 

That is about it for this post. 
My second favorite Crayola after magenta was blue green so this summer color scheme is just about perfect. 
I hope you enjoyed having a look at the summer decor in our kitchen. 
I hope you are doing well. 

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