Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Anniversary and Hair

Happy Anniversary to my sweet husband of 31 years. 

He is amazing, funny, smart, successful, Spiritual and talented.
He has had a hard year but has persevered under stress.
I love him dearly. 
 We have no big plans. We'll eat dinner at our favorite restaurant - Mac's Bar and Grill. 
[They have two in the metroplex.]
I hope we have time to run and get his present - a new table saw. 
He has wanted one for years but really it will be for both of us. Wink, wink.

It was hair color day. 
Does any one else have such problems with hair color?
I have been blessed that I didn't turn gray early like some of my siblings. 
Pay back for the way they tortured me as a child. 
Oh, you want to hear about that do you? I'll tell you a story at the end of the post. 

I started touching up the gray a few years ago.
There wasn't a lot just a few streaks.

Especially one that ran down the right side of my face.
I thought I might keep it and look like a 40s or 50s starlett but instead I felt like Cruella Deville.
 I don't know about you but I am cheap. I didn't want to get into a coloring routine that would cost me a fortune to maintain. I'd rather spend money on my house rather than on my hair! 
I was also experiencing some hair thinning after my hysterectomy. It was terrible! 
I didn't want anyone touching my head so I picked up a root touch up kit at the grocery store. 

It was fine the first few times but it started turning my head a very carroty type of red. 
Now there is nothing wrong with red hair it just isn't my color. I've always had auburn or blond highlights but that was about it.

It would look fine in the house but wonky in the sunlight. 
I first noticed it in photographs. 
Taking a picture of my head proved what sunlight was doing to my color. 
Each strand had some weird red/blonde transparent quality to it.
I decided to go a shade darker.  

I am clearly not skilled in the art of the selfie. 

It was better but it still had a bit of a glow.

Are you laughing yet at how silly I am?
I still thought I needed to go darker because after a few washings it faded.

These are the Clairol Root Touch Up colors I've tried. 
5 medium brown
5a medium ash brown 
4 dark brown
My whole life I thought my hair was mousy medium brown but it must have been darker than I thought. The dark brown looks almost black on the model but not on me.
I feel like I'm finally back to my natural color and it doesn't go all transparent and as red outside.

So is getting it professionally done better with truer color that a do it yourself job?

My friends who go to the salon complain about their color sometimes. That would frustrate me to spend a lot of $$ and not be happy.  

Here come the selfies.

You wouldn't think dark brown would be such a hard color to achieve.  

Okay, now for the story about how my brothers terrorized me when I was just a small, innocent, sweet child.

My light switch was on the other side of my room. It seemed like a long walk in the dark. My awful brothers would hide under my bed, wait until I'd almost reach the light switch and then jump out and scare me. 
It worked every time and to this day I'm easily startled and scream like a girl.

There you have it, another riveting post.
Do you have hair color woes? 


  1. My hairdresser says always look for a shade or two lighter than your natural hair color. Oh my girl, I think yours looks great! Truly. All of the above. I go to the hairdresser and I'm satisfied right after it's done, but in two weeks my roots have grown out and there's never getting it back to where I want it. I have to start all over again. I'm not premature gray either like my sister is. My mom had only a little gray until she got cancer at the end. But the roots, ugh..... Keep doing what you do and don't spend the money. Too much to keep it up. I'm just about done with having it professionally done. Especially since I am out of a job.

    1. Two weeks. Wow. Mine lasts for about a month in-between touch ups. I'm so glad I didn't go gray prematurely too. :) Blessings to you.

  2. LOL- I gave up and quit coloring my hair. It is a white blond. A couple of years ago I took a chemo drug (not for cancer it was one that didn't work for cancer but worked for inflammatory problems supposedly).. Anyway- it made me sick and I said I would work with the pain rather than feel sick all the time-so I quit taking it. Now-here is what is weird. When I quit taking it I got a perfectly round spot about the size of the top of a cup on the head in the back that came in BLACK. I have NEVER had black hair- I have always had LIGHT hair. lol-except when I dyed it dark. lol So, now I have to put a pure bleach paste on that one stupid spot every few weeks and it comes up to the color of the rest of my hair. Weird.... YOUR hair looks great. That color is perfect on you now!

    Happy Birthday to your sweet hubby- xo Diana

    1. What a great story! That is crazy. The human body can do some bizarre stuff. I hope you are feeling okay these days and have some freedom from pain.

  3. I love the color you finally have, it looks amazing. I color mine too, but I do go to Sally's Beauty supply and buy the professional stuff. They will guide you through the whole process and I get a true color that doesn't turn red for around $3 and change. I am not also adding highlights to my hair with a highlight kit from there. Works great and only takes about 30 minutes at home to die my hair, and about 10 minutes for the highlights. That also fits my time better. You look fabulous.
