Thursday, July 17, 2014

The Egg Coddler

The Egg Coddler
What does that even mean?
What is a coddled egg?

I found this darling little white accessory at the antique mall a few weeks ago. The tag said it was an egg coddler. 
It's white with a charming hen and her chicks and it was only $4.99.
The tag said "as is" because the cord was missing.

Years ago I would have walked away from something without a cord but the teeny tiny touch of vintage kitchen gadget appealed to me. 
I didn't need the cord anyway because I won't be coddling any eggs even if I knew what they were.

I LOVE the print on the side. 
"Of course wash it after you have mysteriously coddled the egg, you apron wearing housewife from the past." 
Were those the days before we knew about Salmonilla?
Just a side thought...remember when we could lick the beaters without fear? 
I still lick the beaters but it does give me pause...

Well, what do you think?
Would you have brought it home to add your country collection of kitchen accouterments?

How about if it was 20% off? 
I just had to.

Coddled eggs anyone?

Find out more about Coddled Eggs here.
I think they must be similar to our soft boiled eggs. 

Linking with,
Savvy Southern Style


  1. It's really cute and a conversation piece too. I probably would have bought it. :)

  2. Never seen this one ever. But it surely looks pretty. You have such beautiful China:)

  3. What a great find! I had an old orange Fiesta ware egg coddler but didn't know what it was called. I'm sure it's still here but I can't find it. Isn't that ridiculous. I like this white one. So pretty!
