Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Brass And Glass Is Back/My Thrifty Homage

"What goes around comes around." 
"There is nothing new under the sun."
"What's old is new again."
 Pull out your bell bottoms and head to the store.
Brass and glass is back.

We didn't do a lot of shopping in NYC when we were there which has caused me deep pangs of regret.
However, we had a chance to pop into West Elm after dinner one night.
I was captivated by the cute brass and glass accents.
Anything under glass has made me want to swoon.
They may be overstating it just a tad but you get the idea.

I decided to make my own thrifty terrariums using lamp parts from the thrift store.

I'm quitting my job soon so I'm channeling my inner frugality.
These two light fixtures totaled $6.00.

The wire was cute and the chain was removed from the large lantern.

I am not kidding, that was some heavy duty chain.

Once the chain and cord were removed, I could unscrew the candelabra.

We keep a stash of lamp parts in the garage.
It needed a new threaded nipple because the other one was too long without the candle portion.

It all got screwed back together.
I popped them over some faux plants.


Some white bunnies frolic near by.

Okay, they don't frolic. There are a little more sedentary than that.

It was fun.
Have a wonderful day.


  1. What a great idea using the glass globes like that is great!

  2. Katie,
    You must take me shopping with you at the thrift stores. You find the BEST things! Love your repurposed light fixtures...


  3. Oh, you clever girl. They are great. I think I have some old lanterns in the garage - must try this.

  4. Really pretty Katie ... I have made several terrariums or cloches out of the old lights and I love displaying plants or almost anything in them looks good.
    Happy Easter.
    Audrey Z.
