Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Keep In Touch #53

Hi Guys, 
How are you? 
I only shared one post last week and that is okay. 

I've been busy with puzzles and decorating for Valentine's Day. 

I'll have a post up soon. I also hope to do a video tour. 
I love the pops of red and pink that this time of year brings. 
We have had some lovely Texas days but it's also been a little cold. 
I love doing a puzzle on a chilly day. 
I've also had fun watching some great channels on YouTube.  

I recommend:

I'm really thinking a lot about sharing more on YouTube but all the computer space and production scares me a little.

I found this cute shirt at Tractor Supply Company.  
I have been wearing some casual tee shirts lately. 
I've never been a tee shirt kind of girl even on casual Fridays. Everyday is casual day now that I'm retired. 
I've been thinking a lot about chickens. I'll have a post about that up soon.
It is pick up shirts at the cleaners day which mean it is Thrift Store Day!
I love thrift store day. 

Our feature this week is Debra. I have been following her blog for a long time. She has overcome health issues and she's moved about four times. She is moving furniture into her new home. You will not want to miss the progress of how she decorates her new home. 

Now for the link up. 


  1. thanks for the shout out Katie! I know I know, on the moves, eeek. I hope we're done!xo

  2. Thank you Katie for your 53rd Keep in Touch. Your curtains look so cheerful.

  3. I so enjoy Keep In Touch! Thanks for hosting!

  4. you look so cute in your t-shirt, Katie! Thanks for hosting and have a happy time thrifting.

  5. Aww you look adorable! Thanks for hosting!

  6. Thanks for hosting, Katie. Cute teeshirt..Happy Wednesday..Judy
