Friday, November 27, 2020

Christmas In The Garden Room

Hi, Friends, 
I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We did. It was different but it was good. 

 I started decorating a few days earlier this year. I like to be all done and the house cleaned up by Thanksgiving. A few things are still being tweaked but we are enjoying all the twinkle and sparkle of the tiny lights and the frosty garlands and trees.  
I'm enjoying the nostalgic feel of the garden room. The garden room is always one of my favorite spaces to decorate so I thought I'd show it to you early in the season.
I hope you enjoy these images of our cozy space.

This room gets a lot of vintage plaid. 
I've been collecting plaid items for quite a few years. The time to buy seems to be during the summer. It is hard to buy a wool throw in August when it is 105 degrees but I cannot pass them up. 
They are getting harder to find. 
My husband's favorite piece of Christmas decor is the Folger's coffee can from his grandparent's house. It always sits next to his favorite chair. 

Stockings from my grandparent's house hang on some hooks behind his chair. I adore these stockings from the late 40s. The graphics are amazing. 

Across from my husband's chair is a display of vintage postcards and plaid coffee mugs. 

I'll pick those up when I see them too. 

I have this pencil post tree somewhere in the house every year. 
It is one of my favorites to put up. It's wrapped in plaid ribbon, black satin ribbon, mercury glass garland, and white tiny lights.

Vintage German glass ornaments hang from the boughs. These are from both sides of our family. 
I'm not the most graceful so a few have gotten broken over the years. 
Other beloved ornaments are sprinkled in as well.

Minimalism is not the order of the day on the dish dresser. 

It is packed with collected and heirloom plaid picnic baskets, tins, mugs and thermoses. 
The egg nog set was an antique store find last December when Bill and I had an antiquing date day. 
I hope that we can do the same thing this year but who knows? 

At night it is warm and cozy. 

Here are some room shots so that you can get an idea of what the room looks like from both sides. 
The ceiling is corrugated tin. We did this room in 2003 so we were ahead of our time on that choice.
There is a dog door so the animals can come and go as they wish. 
It is heated and cooled by a mini split. This helps cool the rests of the house as well. It's amazing.
The little fire box was a Christmas gift to Bill. It warms his feet on chillier mornings. 

 It's only 10 x 17 but we love our little sunroom.
I hope you have a very blessed day. 
That is all for now. 


  1. I love this room Katie! I've been wondering about the ceiling. What a great idea; tin is perfect for this spot. We have such similar tastes, the plaid is my favorite too. Everything looks so festive and cozy, such a great spot to put up your feet and relax! Hope you're having a great weekend!

  2. I love your room, it’s so pretty! I love all your decorations and I have a tree like yours. I think their wonderful. Your room is perfect for a little stitching or reading and a cup of tea. Hugs,

  3. Love your Christmas touches Katie. The stockings are so pretty and love the graphics. The tin cones are a very nice touch to. Love, love the Santa ornament on the tree.


  4. It's just charming, Katie. I can see why you so love this room!

  5. Love the egg nog milk glass! Found you at All About Home :)

  6. I love your sunroom Katie! I bet it's gorgeous all year long but you have it fixed up so pretty for Christmastime! Very warm and cozy. I love your special Folger's can too. Thanks so much for sharing.

  7. Love your cupboard, overflowing with vintage plaid treasures, Katie! The whole room is adorable. That red and white kids lunchbox always has me drooling. So fun to see your vintage Christmas decor!
