Monday, April 7, 2014

His Eye is on the Sparrow

Can I confess something to you?
I am a worrier. 
Worry and I go way back. 
The Bible lesson at school the other day hit home.
Based on Matthew 6, I taught about the birds and the flowers.
 If He cares for them, 
how much more does He care for us? 
A simple idea yet so hard to grasp and to put into practice. 

I've gotten into one of those cycles again where I am worrying about stuff that I have no business worrying about.

Stuff that is completely out of my control. 

Worrying about it will not change one thing.

It will only harm me - blood pressure, stress, gray hair!  

I've sprinkled birdies around the house for years but dialed them back until recently.

Sometimes a decor item is just a pretty thing to appreciate and admire.

Sometimes an item used for decoration means a little more.

As I look around at these winged creatures, I'm reminded that He cares for me.

He cares for what I care about and He is in control.
Happy Monday!  
Linking with,
A Stroll Thru Life
Savvy Southern Style
From My Front Porch to Yours
Inspire Me Monday   
Coastal Charm
The Scoop  
Bacon Time  
French Country Cottage 


  1. I have learned to step back from my "worrying mode", too. I have found I have to just let some things go-that I can't control them and if I don't let them go-they control me. This post is a good reminder. LOVE birds, too, and have quite a few around my house-xo Diana

    1. You are so right that the worries control me if I don't let them slip away. Thanks for leaving such a sweet comment. Have a great week.

  2. Happy Monday, Katie! I am a worrier, too. Yup, big time. I have tried to teach myself not to worry about something until I know I have something to worry about! Easier said than done.

    1. I know. Everything always works itself out so I don't know why I worry in the first place. Thanks for stopping by! Have a great week.

  3. What a sweet post. I think it's in our blood as women to worry. Lord knows with my recent breast cancer diagnosis I have done my fair share. Then theirs my boys, I always worry about them. I don't stress the small stuff anymore, money, dirty socks, these things really don't bother me much. Maybe I should worry more about the money, but I don't. Your decor is lovely. I hope you don't worry too much. Focus on what you can change, and let the other things go. Please come share at the Bacon Time linky, if you have not already.

    1. Thank you, Mindy. I said a prayer for you and I hope that you are well. I've had some stressful months and when that happens my worrying mode kicks in. Thanks for the invite and I will definitely stop by.

  4. Such a perfect post and reminder. Thank you. I love your birds, they are fabulous. Thanks tons for linking to Inspire Me. Hugs, marty

  5. Wonderful post and great reminder to just let the worries go!

  6. Beautiful post !!! ( I'm a worrier too )
    AND I noticed a copy of Editha's Burgler - what a treasure!

    1. I didn't know I had a treasure. I will read it tomorrow. Thank you, Suzan.

  7. I get into those cycles too, where I worry about things I have no control over. I think women in general are just born to worry, but as I've gotten older I let the smaller worries take care of themselves. Lovely post and what pretty vignettes, love the birds!

  8. Hi Katie! Dont' beat yourself up too much as we all worry at times. We say we turn things over to the Lord but it's so easy to take it back and worry and try to figure out how to solve it. I think women have the hardest time with this because we're so mothering. Now I love that old song - His Eye Is On The Sparrow - and always think of the old black lady, can't remember her name, who sang this on the Billy Graham crusades. Oh, I think it was Ethel Waters.
    Anyway, love your brids and your spring decor. Thank you so much for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  9. Beautiful post and reminder. Thanks. All your vignettes are so pretty and of course, I love birds too. I was trying to see what you had in your glass house on your coffee table. I have one just like it and it sits empty most of the time.
    Thanks for stopping by Timeless Treasures with a nice comment.
    Audrey Z.
