Monday, August 4, 2014

Trash Pick Dresser/ Mystery Solved

You will not believe this story. 
I can't believe it myself. 

My co-worker and friend, Sara picked me up to go to a function at the school. 
She stepped into the entry while I gathered my stuff. 
She asked me where I got the dresser. 

She has been in the house numerous times but I guess she never noticed it before. 
I told her that I pulled it out of the trash at a house around the corner from here. 
She said she thought it was her grandmother's dresser. 
I said it couldn't be because I didn't find it at her house. 
Sara lives in her parent's old house up the road just a little. 
I found it about half way between her house and mine. 

She preceded to tell me that her grandmother had an old broken dresser. It wasn't a family piece and that they had no idea where Grandma got it. 
Sara and her dad talked about taking it to the dump but instead they decided to put it by the curb of a friend's rent house down the street. The renters had been evicted and the owners of the house told them that they could leave it on the curb with all the trash from the house. I remember thinking that this didn't go with the other trash. This was too nice. 

I found it on the way to the grocery store. Our daughter was with me and she helped me load it into the car. She really hoped she wouldn't be caught trash picking by one of her friends.

 Before they threw it out, Sara's family talked about it being broken. They knew someone would pick it up and fix it. 
There was a foot broken. Bill made a new foot to match. 
The drawer got repaired and all the knobs got replaced with something more in keeping with the style of the piece.  

We still couldn't believe it and Sara needed further proof. We left for the event at the school. She pointed to the house. I said no. It was at the house right next door. 
Sara and have very similar taste in jewelry. We were wearing identical Tiffany bracelets the first time we met. Our humor is similar. She is the type of work friend that make working fun. We spend many faculty meetings trying to make each other laugh. 

Here is an early picture of it. The art above has changed a lot. 

 I don't believe in coincidences. Things like this are meant to happen if you ask me. 


  1. Hi Katie, I love your foyer and the way you decorated your dining room table!!!! pinned

  2. What a great story! and I adore that piece - great find!!!!


  3. That's so neat! The chest does look fantastic there and your friend sure has a great memory. I bet her family will love seeing these pictures on your blog.

  4. Oh I love this piece and I love this story. How fabulous is that!!!! Thanks tons for linking to Inspire Me.

  5. It is a small world after all, isn't it? Great story and great found treasure!

  6. That's fantastic! It was meant to be.

  7. What a great story behind your special is such a pretty piece and looks great in your entry!

  8. What a nice piece of history you've unearthed, Katie! It really is a small world! I love the portrait you've got hanging above the chest, too.

  9. Well that really is a great story! I love that dresser too. It has such a beautiful tone.

  10. I always have thought there is a great circle of junk. Vintage and antique items seem to travel around. I hope you have recorded its known history and put it in a drawer. Our kitchen table from fifteen years ago has shown up in the antique mall where I have booths on two separate occasions.
