Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Keep In Touch #50

Good Morning. 
Welcome to our first Keep In Touch of the new year. 
I thought about waiting until February to resume Keep In Touch but I changed my mind. 
With the cancelation of the WOW party, I decided continuity was best. 

After my post on Sunday night, I went out to the yard and replaced my colored lights with LED white lights. 

It keeps the twinkle going for just a little bit longer. 

Looking in the garden light section at one of the stores gave me the idea. 
Redoing the deck stain is on my list for the spring. 

Our weather has been pretty mild so we already have some stuff growing in the green house. 

It will be time to start some seeds pretty soon.

I showed you my pretty new to me night stand. 

I love it. 

Here is the best picture I could find of our old nightstands. 
Here is the deal, I liked them but it was never really love. We went shopping for the bed. Because the bed was darker than our armoire, I felt we needed more dark wood. We chose these at the spur of the moment. 
I should never ever do that because it never ends well. 
I need to browse and then browse again before I buy. Sometimes it takes even longer than that for me to decide on something.  
I've also discovered that I prefer older furniture not only because of the quality but I like moving small pieces around the house since my larger pieces can't be rearranged. 
These only worked in my room. They didn't mix well with my other antiques. 
We will be on the look out for something for Bill's side of the bed. He wanted to load mine up and give it away. What kind of blogger would I be if I did that? 
I slid it out to the garage and started stripping off the stain with Citristrip. 
It doesn't have fumes like the older kind of stripper. It also doesn't burn if you accidentally get it on your skin. 

I stripped it a section at a time. There are directions on the package but I usually paint on the stripper, I walk away to let it do its work for a little while. Then I scrape off the finish into the trash. 
It is slow going so I usually have another project going at the same time.
This time, though, I watched YouTube. 

We knew the top was made of particle board which is why it bubbled but I discovered the doors were made out of veneer and plastic. I don't think they are going back on the piece. 
I'll do some open storage instead which means I need to strip the shelf and bottom. 

That will get done today. It will also get a good sanding. 

I think it's going to be cute. I'm not sure what kind of finish it will get or where it is going when it's done but I like it so far. 
Tell me what you think in the comment section.
Ten on the 10th will resume on Thursday. Please stop by for that.
I've got some other post ideas.
I think I'll show you what I got for Christmas now that I've actually set things out.
I'll also go over some of my upcoming projects.
My shoulder feels great. I have almost no pain and only a little stiffness.
I can sleep on my right side again which is amazing.
Thank you all for your prayers for that. I'm so thankful. 
Now for the link up. 


  1. So glad you are back with this fun exchange -- I've found loads of fun bloggers to visit through this, so thanks! I love your lights!

  2. Hi Katie, thank you for your 50th Keep in Touch. Good name for your party. Welcoming.

  3. Thanks so much for hosting each week and glad that you are back!!
    Happy New Year!!

  4. Glad you are hosting this party still. Thanks for all the work you do.

  5. So glad to know you are hosting this party! I had no idea but am glad I found it! Thanks so much! Hugs!

  6. I'm happy to link up, Katie! Thanks for hosting your party. I'm sorry that I'm late, but I thought you weren't hosting until February.
