Monday, September 14, 2020

My Recent Antique And Thrifty Finds

Hi, Lovely Friends.
How are you? 
I've been antiquing and thrifting again. Do I need anything? No, but such is the life of a collector. 
I'm always on the hunt to upgrade our collections. I say "our" because it makes me feel better but Bill could care less about it. 

If you follow me on Instagram, you might remember that we picked up this hutch when we were out at the lake. 

We broke the top pane of glass but it was easily fixed after a quick trip to the glass guy. 
I have been collecting white dishes for a long time. I'm not super picky about markings but there were certain shapes that were elusive to me. I wanted to snag those elusive pieces and upgrade my collection for this hutch. 
My "go to" place for ironstone is a little picked over after lockdown. She probably can't go picking like she used to but I was able to pick up a couple of small pitchers from her. 

The larger one is a previous find. She had two of the small size so I grabbed those. 
She had a small tureen for $22.00 but it was very chipped. It was priced too high for its less than perfect condition. We have a couple of larger tureens but a smaller one would round out our set. eBay came to the rescue. 

This lovely mint gravy tureen was $29.00 plus shipping. It killed me to do it but it arrived and it is perfect. The invalid feeder was thrifted last week and it was only $2.00. 

As soon as the tureen was on it's way, another elusive piece was offered to me by another seller. 
It killed Bill to do it but he clicked "Buy It Now" and it was on the way. 

The large Homer Laughlin pitcher was $35.00 plus shipping. I had nothing else like it in our collection. Bill really liked it once he saw it in person. It had some stains but they washed right off. It's substantial and offers nice contrast to the curvier pitchers. 

My collection of ironstone and hotelware platters is quite complete but I'll pick them up if the price is right. This one was only $3.00. 

The little brown jug with roses was a local find. 

This gorgeous painting was $26.00. 

I love collecting vintage oil paintings. 

My copper affair has continued especially since we are headed into fall. 

The little scoop and leaf were thrifted. The coffee pot in front belonged to my grandparents. 
The pot in the back came from the antique store in Quitman, Texas. It's where we got the new hutch. 

We also got a French Baguette box the same day but I'll save that for another post. 

The holiday hutch in the garden room is getting done up in majolica for fall. 
I added a little pitcher to that small collection. 

It was $22.00 with shipping. The stunning leaf platter was a garage sale find ages ago. It was only $3.00. The pumpkin is older Hobby Lobby. I love that it looks like majolica. 
I hope you don't mind if I share prices. It helps you gauge what stuff sells for in my neck of the woods. 

A precious leaf bread and butter plate for a dollar rests with chards of pottery from the trash pile at an abandoned cabin in Colorado.

The flower frogs were an eBay find earlier this spring. 

Since we continue the search for a country property, I feel the urge to upgrade some of our pieces here in town before that happens. That way we will have some hand me downs for out there. 
In that vein, this French commode just spoke to me. It was out in Quitman when we went through last week to look at a property. 

He had just gotten it in on Tuesday. We found it on Friday afternoon. It was supposed to go in the guest room but we brought it in and I pushed it against the wall in the living room. Bill commented that it looked good.  
He thought I'd like to look at it all the time instead of when I'm in the guest room. 

That is it for now! 
Come back for Keep In Touch tomorrow. 
Linking with Common Ground and Follow The Yellow Brick Home , A Stroll Thru Life, and Farmhouse Friday. 


  1. you've found some really great pieces, Katie. I'm an ironstone pitcher collector for sure. the large HL straight pitcher is gorgeous, and hard to find around here at a good price. Getting out to shop vintage is one of those "essentials" and I'm hoping to go soon.

  2. i love all your pieces, they are beautiful! I love white ironstone too. Your French commode is in the right place, it’s just lovely. Hugs,

  3. Beautiful pueces Katie and always share your finds. It's fun seeing collections and pieces others find. I have the ssme pitcher I bought from south Jersey and had it shipped up to us. They're beautiful heavy pitchers aren't they?

    Love the brown jug with roses and the chest. I love being able to see pieces I score as much as I am able.


  4. You sure got some great stuff. Loving the white pieces of dishes too. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  5. You;ve found so many pretty items! I love copper and also collect pieces of that,

  6. Love that last painting. And the Homer Laughln pitcher has me swooning. When I get home from the lake, my copper is coming out, too.

  7. Oh I love this hutch and how you have decorated it. It is fall at its finest.
